Thinking about shower stall options in your bathroom has possibly been a dream of yours for a while, especially if you've never been happy with the way your current shower looks or operates. Many aging homes have the problem of basically combining a bathtub with a shower, which makes cleaning more of a chore. In older homes, you may not even have a shower and only an outdated bathtub constantly needing maintenance. It may even be at the point now where your bathtub is so old, you can't use it and have no choice but to upgrade.
There isn't any question that if you want to add value to your home for the future, having a shower in your home is mandatory. It only comes down to the type of shower you want, where your shower best fits, and finding easier methods to remove your old tub.
All three are easier than you think with the right remodeling company. Here at Joyce Factory Direct, we want to make your bathroom better with new showers and bathtubs. We'll provide them for you without making it outrageously expensive. Plus, we'll bring efficiency in getting the project done on time without unnecessary wait times.
Your Tub to Shower Conversion
Before you turn your old tub into a shower, you need to know if you'll have enough room for a shower after the tub gets removed. Most tubs are around five feet long, so when it's removed, you'll have the perfect shower dimensions. You obviously want your water lines and the drainage system already in place so you don't pay extra costs installing new plumbing.
Another thing to think about is the standard dimensions required for showers. The standard is usually around 36-inches deep, even if this might require some additional wall sections to pad out extra space.
With tub removal done and a high-quality shower ready to go in place, your only other option is what kind of shower you want. Many of our clients love walk-in showers and curb-less shower stalls in bringing the most convenience, including for those with disabilities.
Walk-In Shower Benefits

Considering most walk-in showers use ceramic tiles, you have a durable material that holds up for years to prevent worry about tile replacement every few years. You even have more convenience for cleaning since you don't have the tight spaces for grime to develop as you do with tub-shower combinations.
Curb-less Shower Stalls

The solution to this nowadays is the use of a specialized tile that fits flush with your existing floor so you won't notice any slope.
Visit us here at Joyce Factory Direct to learn more about shower stall options and why you'll make your home so much more marketable in the future whenever you decide to select.
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