Sunroom Roof Styles
A Gable Sunroom features large glass trapezoid windows on the front wall and a high ceiling providing an open aura to the room. Gable Sunroom
Studio Sunroom
Sunroom Flooring
Further, another sunroom design consideration is the flooring. Sunroom flooring is extremely versatile ranging from basic indoor/outdoor carpet to heated tile floors. Many homeowners choose a comfortable berber carpet for its appearance and coziness. Laminate wood and tile floors are also becoming more and more popular due to their cost, ease of installation and low maintenance. For year round (or all season sunrooms), make sure that your floor is insulated. Some manufacturers feature special insulated flooring systems designed for sunrooms (in example insul-deck). Over the insulated floor panels, carpet or ceramic tile can be installed. The flooring decision is yours to make and an important one.Sunroom Color Scheme

In the same vein, the overall color scheme for your new sunroom is an open canvas. A sunroom is a room that is different than any other room in your house. The sunroom is typically 60-80% glass compared to your house walls being at most 10-25% glass. A room this different can usually be decorated to complementarily to your overall home décor or be completely different. Many sunrooms get decorated with tropical furnishings for that island getaway feel. The sunroom can be the room in your house that you escape to for relaxation. As well, the sunroom can simply be an extension of your home. For the sunroom color, most manufacturers offer multiple colors (typically at least white and tan or beige, some manufacturers even offer a clay or terratone color, the third most popular siding color today). One of these choices is sure to match or complement your home. If you choose a vinyl sunroom, the vinyl is colorfast which means the color is throughout the material and it will never need painting.
Sunroom Windows
In addition, another sunroom design idea to the type of windows you would like in your sunroom. Most sunrooms are built with sliding windows because their sizing and orientation fit well into typical sunroom sizes. Sunroom sliding windows are typically around five feet tall with fixed glass basewalls and/or transoms below and above the main sliding windows respectively. Some sunroom windows feature easy lift-out sliding sashes. Another option only available by certain manufacturers is a tilt-in sliding window that is extremely easy to clean and essential for elevated applications.

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